It's been a long time since my mom has written about our stories. I keep trying to tell her that the readers want updates on ALL my misadventures, but she doesn't listen. Well, I finally made her log on today to share some of the latest news. One of the reasons my stories have not been posted is because, well, I've been in a little bit of "medical" trouble lately. About a month ago I was outside one night and I tore my ACL. It hurts really bad and the Vet referred us to an orthopedic specialist for a surgery consult. We haven't gone yet because the Vet told my mom that it may heal on its own with a lot of rest and relaxation. Ha! I am not the best patient for that! I just pick up my left rear leg and tear around the yard - just like I did before I hurt myself. My mom yells at me, but I still don't listen. I was wondering if any of my doggie friends have torn an ACL - did you have surgery or wait for it to heal on its own?